Super Mario Odyssey Archive

Our Odyssey Has Ended

We started out intending to only do the main story of Super Mario Odyssey, which we finished this past Monday. People kept encouraging us to get 500 moons to unlock the last of the super secret worlds, and we were like… maybe. But yesterday we hit 250 moons (thanks to the help of the not-very-helpful official guidebook) to unlock the first secret world and oh man. Burnout was happening quickly. So we called it quits for good after completing the first secret world in English and Japanese.

A couple years ago, we ran Yokai Watch into the ground by attempting to complete every side quest in the game after beating the main story. That burned us out on the game pretty badly and we didn’t want the same thing to happen with Odyssey.

But hey, if any of you are still working your way up to 500 moons in the game, please get screenshots of the text in the final secret world for us! We’ll pay ya for your trouble. Thanks~~

Mario Odyssey’s Moon Descriptions Need Jazzing Up

As we’ve been playing through Super Mario Odyssey on our daily (and now marathon) streams, I’ve been taking notes of the paths we take in the English version so we can take the same path when we play the Japanese version. In doing so, I’ve had to come up with very descriptive ways for how we’ve found some of the moons. They’re really funny sometimes, and Dominator_101 photoshopped one of them onto a screenshot:

So here’s a list of some of the other really bizarre moon descriptions that these streams have produced:

  • Butt Pound The Glow Moon
  • Onion Stretchy Moon
  • Set Walnut On Fire Moon
  • Crying Girl By Rock Moon Piece
  • Moon Around The Corner Cliff
  • Over Fuzzy Moon
  • Garbage Moon
  • Lightning To Beer Garden Roof Moon
  • Moon In Snow Butt Stomp
  • Squirty Cliff Moon
  • Gold Turnip Soup Moon
  • Podoboo Torch Moon
  • Scarecrow Lock Moon
  • Pipe Music Ring Moon
  • Sadako Well – The One Moon
  • First Person Look Up Moon
  • Scare Hat With Goom Moon
  • Cappy Moon Chase

We now have an official guidebook to help us get up to 500 moons, but maybe some crazy moon descriptions will still happen as we wrap things up.

Journeying Through Mario Odyssey in English and Japanese

Yesterday, Mato & I started our game-cataloging journey through Super Mario Odyssey. We’re playing through both the English and Japanese versions and getting crisp, high-quality PNG screenshots of all the text in the game. We’re also streaming the journey! Join us on Twitch Mondays through Fridays at 5pm AZ time (currently MST), chat with us, and give us tips! We’ll be streaming on that schedule until we finish the game.

And here’s the archive of Day 1 if you missed it: