Generosity: Zelda II Famicom Disk and Booklet!
A kind fellow by the name of Eric recently sent me a copy of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for the Famicom Disk System for free! Thanks a ton, man! Here’s what he sent:
I’ve never seen a Famicom Disk System manual in person (well, I probably have, but just never paid attention), so I was surprised to see how tiny they were. Here’s a peek inside this one:
And here’s a closer look at the disk – I’m still shocked that the disks didn’t come with protector things on them 😯 Hopefully this disk still works after all these years…
Anyway, Zelda II is an absolute must-do project for me, so there’s no doubt I’ll get to it at some point. I think I want to do a few other small comparison projects first, though. I don’t want to end up focusing entirely on one franchise or series, you know? But I can’t wait to do Zelda II so I can move on to III and beyond. Man, those are gonna be some majorly fun projects too 😀
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my detailed analysis and comparison of the first Zelda game here!