candy Archive

Fun with the Google Translate App

Google Translate has an app for phones where it will live translate any text you point it at. I’ve been testing it out recently, and it’s … got a long way to go. Here are some of the funnier mishaps:

Mmmm, delicious flesh pocky.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Sukky

We received some weird snacks from Japan this week. These Pocky boxes were a special Valentine’s Day promotion. The names are really weird:

I see what they were going for with “Papa” and “Mama” in there, but what is “Sukky” ?? Maybe 好き (suki)?

Here’s a candy with an unusual name:

I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks delicious!

And we found some funny English on a bag of garlic butter-flavored Cheetos:










Oh no, Japan discovered comic sans…