cats Archive

Wander Also Likes Mario Kart

American Thanksgiving was yesterday. Delicious food was eaten! One of Mato’s traditions is to play Super Mario Kart on Thanksgiving. Wander settled down on my lap and watched each race intently.

Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions involving video games? Shadow of the Colossus is another Thanksgiving game for us.

Wander Likes Ys

Wander, one of our lovely kitties, has a new habit – watching us play games, and then trying to play with the characters on the screen. She did this while I was playing Ys VIII recently:


Maybe you could call her a Wanderer from Ys?! No, sorry, that was a bad joke. Perhaps she just wanted some of that rolled cabbage.

Is Ys VIII’s Localization Really That Bad?

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana’s English localization is apparently so bad that Japanese game sites are talking about it. People made such a stink that the President and CEO of NIS America issued a statement apologizing for the lack of localization quality and promised to have it re-edited and patched by late November.

So I wonder, is it really all that bad? I’m about to find out!

We gotta beat this game before they release the patch next month. Wish us luck! And don’t worry, we’re taking screenshots along the way.

Cat-Filled Meetings

Progress on the Funky Fantasy 4 book is chuggin’ along. Here are some pics from today’s meeting:

Tony always prints and staples together the latest version of whatever book we’re working on. It really helps to envision the final product.

Zuuly butted in several times today seeking attention. She wanted to sleep in my chair, but I wasn’t budging.

We also ordered some gorp.