funny Archive

Bootleg Mario Week 2018: Donkey Kone Ice Cream

This one is technically a Donkey Kong rip-off, but I’m counting it as Mario since two of the kids are dressed like Mario and Luigi. I wonder if it plays the Mario or Donkey Kong theme as it drives around!

Have you seen pictures of bootleg Mario things like the above? Please share them in the comments!

Bootleg Mario Week 2018: Super Mario Fried Chicken

It’s easy to find bootleg Mario games, but it’s hilarious when you see small businesses using Mario characters and fonts to advertise their products. Let’s feature these blatant rip-offs all week!

First up is Super Mario Fried Chicken.

I like the addition of the chicken leg in Mario’s hand. I don’t think the Mushroom Kingdom even has chickens, though… Not gonna lie, I’d totally buy some chicken from this place.

If you’ve seen other bootleg Mario things like the above, please share them in the comments!

Maybe Bobobo Isn’t so B-b-bad

I apologize profusely for the title up there ^

In researching the Four Heavenly Kings, I had to watch a few episodes of the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo anime. It grated on me so bad because everyone was yelling and overreacting half the time. I understand it’s a silly anime that breaks a lot of rules, but my gooooodness, I couldn’t take it.

Then I got the first volume of the manga to search for additional examples of Bobobo’s four kings. I found a few references and jokes that had me laughing out loud:

Dangggg, what an obscure reference! I had to look at gameplay of the old Legend of Kage NES game to make sure I was right, and yup. Nice one. I might end up reading this whole manga once my research is done. So hey, if I can’t hear anyone yelling and screaming, Bobobo is a pretty good experience!

Mario Odyssey’s Moon Descriptions Need Jazzing Up

As we’ve been playing through Super Mario Odyssey on our daily (and now marathon) streams, I’ve been taking notes of the paths we take in the English version so we can take the same path when we play the Japanese version. In doing so, I’ve had to come up with very descriptive ways for how we’ve found some of the moons. They’re really funny sometimes, and Dominator_101 photoshopped one of them onto a screenshot:

So here’s a list of some of the other really bizarre moon descriptions that these streams have produced:

  • Butt Pound The Glow Moon
  • Onion Stretchy Moon
  • Set Walnut On Fire Moon
  • Crying Girl By Rock Moon Piece
  • Moon Around The Corner Cliff
  • Over Fuzzy Moon
  • Garbage Moon
  • Lightning To Beer Garden Roof Moon
  • Moon In Snow Butt Stomp
  • Squirty Cliff Moon
  • Gold Turnip Soup Moon
  • Podoboo Torch Moon
  • Scarecrow Lock Moon
  • Pipe Music Ring Moon
  • Sadako Well – The One Moon
  • First Person Look Up Moon
  • Scare Hat With Goom Moon
  • Cappy Moon Chase

We now have an official guidebook to help us get up to 500 moons, but maybe some crazy moon descriptions will still happen as we wrap things up.

More Goofs from the Google Translate App

One of the best things about receiving packages from Japan is using the Google Translate phone app on the newspapers stuffed inside the boxes for padding. We got a game recently (which I still need to post about), and the app churned out some funny phrases on the newspapers:

We will never be free of eagles here at LoL.