Results of the Pokemon “Localize Me” Challenge #2
Round 2 of the Pokemon Gold/Silver Beta Localization Challenge featured this steel shark thing:
This was a tough one to localize, since I asked people to forget anything they learned about the Gold/Silver Beta before suggesting a new localized name. As pointed out to me by someone on Twitter, The Cutting Room Floor lists this Pokemon’s name asイカリ (ikari). Two kanji are listed next to the name in the notes: 錨 and 怒リ. Both of those characters are pronounced “ikari”, but one character means “anchor” and the other is “rage”. So Anchorage is the perfect name for this guy in English.
Can anyone beat that localization? Here are the top suggestions from Twitter and Instagram!
- Shankor / Shanchor
- Sharchor
- Fangchor
- Shankery
- Megaloadin
- Hainker (from German Hai (shark) and Anker (anchor))
- Anchorbiter
- Hookjaw
- Ankor
- Chain Chomp
Most people suggested some variation of Shanchor, so next time I gotta pick a harder one >:]